Message #9


Dear Ones,

Precious are the moments I spend writing to you each day. I thank you for your love and for returning to again visit with me. Thank you. For I truly am thankful for you and to you. I hope you enjoyed the story I left with you yesterday and perceived it as presented. I received the story from Spirit nearly five years ago and was asked by Spirit to write it down and give it to the children. I was not to label it as anything specific so I simply called it, " The Story ". I will always remember the experience as it was my first writing for Spirit. I was so deeply moved and had a very hard time trying to keep up. I'm sure some of the jumbled up nature in some parts is due to that fact and that I was sobbing at the time with emotions. Spirit said it was fine to leave it as I had written it down for it was not to be taken literally but would say the things that were needed. The effect of the story and gentle suggestions would open up the mind of the inner self that some call the inner child. If you speak to the inner child, the inner child will hear you. This takes a different approach, a soft and gentle approach. We all are still partly like a little child and love and tenderness are always needed by our child self.


At the time of my awakening I was definitely feeling like a small child being taught things in a simple and gentle way that spoke to my innocent child self. Suddenly, I was like a small child being guided through a learning session while being held by the hand of the most wonderful and loving Father one could imagine, so very wise and comforting, a Father that knew everything about everything and would always answer any question I asked in a simple way so I could understand. I felt so much love and so often I did weep. I still do at times. At the time I was given the story it instantly answered many questions that I thought could never be answered by anyone, especially in such a simple manner and also make good sense at the same time. Since then I have noticed many things in my training that relate to the story. Every time I notice this I think to myself, " Well, how clever ", and I hear laughter in the Heavens. Years later I was amazed to discover that the Divine definition of LAUGHTER is " HEAVENLY ".


Of course this I now understand. Can you come up with a better definition? On a note of interest, this is one of those gifts from God and a connecting element to our true selves. Again, the word happiness comes to mind. How beautiful and magical the sound of laughter. Indeed, Heavenly.


                         A SMILE IS SILENT LAUGHTER.


                         THANK YOU GOD FOR THIS GIFT.


                         MAY WE SHARE IT OFTEN.


                         " Make a joyful noise unto the Lord ".


                             ------- SMILE-------




                         AND CREATE HEAVENLINESS.



The Messenger