Message #8


Dear Ones, Most Precious Children of God,


In connection with yesterday's letter, I come to you this day to speak of the little child that always remains a part of you, the precious, innocent, fun-filled, and adventurous little one you were when the air rang with sounds of your laughter. Do you remember when life was simply having fun, not worrying about things, just romping around giggling and making believe, coloring with your ever so magical crayons or snuggling up in someone's lap and listening to a fairy tale being read to you by a soft loving voice? Wasn't it remarkable how you could see so clearly the pictures in your mind that the soft words created?  Isn't it amazing how you can still remember them? Have you ever found yourself smiling when you happen to hear them again, even now? Well, dear one, I call upon this part of you to settle down and once again have a journey back to these magical times as I have a story to tell you. Who knows, perhaps you may learn some things in the process. I hope you enjoy.


The Messenger



"The Story"


Long, long ago, many more years than is possible for man to count, all the way back to the true beginning before there was anything anywhere, there was nothing.  But there had to be something or there wouldn't be anything at all.  So, the only thing there could be was a need.


Now, this was truly a big need.  It was so great and so empty that it actually trembled.  And when it trembled there was the first actual thing that was ever born.  But because there wasn't anything else anywhere, all it could do was exist and float around in this big empty space.  The more it floated around, the bigger it grew.  It realized that the more it moved around, the bigger and stronger it became.  This enabled it to get even bigger and stronger causing something to happen.  And suddenly, there was something else.


It realized that all of its movement had caused something to happen that created something else and now, it wasn't alone anymore.  It also realized that when it moved the movement now caused something to appear.  It discovered that it could see because there was, now, a tiny little thing floating there with it.  This was exciting so it decided to make more.  Besides, there wasn't anything else to do because there wasn't anything else, except for the thing it first created and this was the only thing it could do with it.

It did discover that experimenting with different amounts of movement did create different kinds of specks.  All of this movement caused the specks to move around, too.  Suddenly, these specks started moving around in little circles while some remained in the center of  the circles.  All of this movement caused something to happen.  And the something seemed to be alive because it just kept doing its thing all by itself.  And like itself, all of this movement seemed to create something similar to whatever He was made of.  However, this was a little different because this was created from something where He was created from nothing.


He knew this little thing was now alive.  It was living by itself without any help from Him.  So, He decided to give it a name.  He called it, "Atom". He then decided to name His first creation, "Electric". He would call Himself, "Spirit".


He then wanted to add a second name that would show Himself to be the parent.  So, He added a name similar to the common factor they shared, which was, "Energy". The name of the first then was, "Electric Energy", and the second, "Magnetic Energy", and His name would be, "Spirit Energy", because He was the greatest and strongest energy of all.


All excited now, He went on making more different atoms and discovered that if He put different little bunches of His little atoms together, they stayed together because of their magnetic energy.  He then gave the whole little cluster its own little realm of this energy.  A new discovery and a new name was in order.  This one He would call, "Molecule".


Well, this experimenting went on for years creating all sorts of things.  And the ability to remember every detail didn't seem to be a problem at all for Him.  He made all sorts of things that caused all sorts of other things to be created using atoms, energies, and combinations of other creations.  Some of these creations were really big and some even glowed brightly making things warm.  He really liked those and called them, "Stars". He learned how to make them stay in place using this real magnetic energy and He called that effect, "Magnetic Force".


He also found that some of His stars were burning out and blowing up, throwing pieces everywhere.  He made a lot of discoveries just by observing what this caused.  He then named the different pieces that were flying around from all of the effects.  He called them, "Comets and Meteors". The creations He had circling the stars He called, "Planets", and the little ones, "Moons". That little group He called a "Solar System"; the groups of these He called the "Galaxies". The whole realm of His combined creations He named the, "Universe".

He realized that the way to keep everything in place was by balancing each type of force with one of its exact opposite as proper balance was a real necessity or things really got out of hand.  He also knew that the slightest movement caused something to happen and everything that happened caused something else to happen.  And everything that happened caused movement and that is what caused Him to happen.  Yes sir, there's definitely no way to turn this back around.  Once something is created it is here to stay.  And that fact  He called, "Eternity".


Over a long period of time, He discovered He could create a physical life form with the right elements on a planet that had just the right temperature range.  There were many of them to use for these experiments.  He used a process He called, "Evolution". It was a real simple process.  Once again, starting with His trusty little atoms,  which were already there, He would create something that would make one of these little life forms and see what it was capable of.


Making some careful adjustments to the basic structure He called the, "Genes", He eventually developed one that was capable of reproducing itself.  That really helped because all He had to do was make adjustments to the duplicate leaving the original one alone for reference.  He wanted each one of His life forms to have purpose like Himself so He always gave each one a purpose even to the point of depending on each other in as many ways as possible.  He even managed to enable these life forms to put back what they were taking from the planet to make sure the proper balance of the planet's elements were kept.  Pretty soon He had these life forms all over the solid part of the planet, which He called, "Land", and in the liquid part He called, "Water"' He called these life forms, "Plant Life".


There were many wonderful things and they were so beautiful with all their grace and pretty colors.  He was happy but He also wished He could share this feeling with someone.  He was positive that this could be because there weren't any negative feelings in existence.  In fact, He was so positive that it was impossible for Him to be negative about anything because He was perfect.  It would be impossible for there to be anyone knowing more than He because it takes time to gain knowledge and He was the first knowing thing since the beginning of time.  He was the only one that could know all that could ever be known.  This made Him truly all knowing especially since there was nothing else anywhere except Himself and all He had created.  This definitely made Him the only true definition of perfect.


So, He set out on His new quest to create a life form that could think, feel, and love in as many wonderful ways as was possible, making them as much like Himself as He could.  This enabled Him to share all of these wonderful creations with them.  He could talk to them and they could communicate with each other.  Yes, there would be someone to love and someone to love Him.


And He would call them His, "Children". The planet would be their Mother as all of their physical being would be given of her.  Their spirit would come from Him and be very different, very special.  He would call this spirit their, "Soul".


He began in the waters among the beautiful green plant life creating all sorts of little life forms (as being not attached to Mother Earth left them very fragile and the water protected them).  In the same manner of creating all of the other life forms, He evolved them to where soon there were wonderful life forms on the land and in the air, again depending on each other for survival.  He also made these life forms live as long as possible by giving them all the knowledge they needed to have to survive at birth.  This way they could live independently as they moved about.


This instinct insured that the strongest ones would survive the longest and keep their evolution going.  Mother Earth would provide the computer and He would do the programming.  Even the necessary programming was passed on to its offspring to give it an advantage.  It would become more capable than its parents and increase its intelligence.  It also increased the capabilities of their spirits as well.  Now, this was going to take a very special type of computer compared to the other animals but that wasn't a problem at all for  Him.


Soon, there were lots of planets budding with life and evolution and the experiments were going very well.  There was all sorts of life all around His Universe.  The hardest development, though, was in the area of contact with the spirit.  The trouble seemed to be the interference between the three types of magnetic energies.  The first one, the physical, required an even balance; the second one, the spiritual, required a balance; and the third one, the soul, was only positive and the exact opposite of positive He called, "Negative".  This third one, the soul, was the one He knew He had to develop to receive the greatest rewards.  But He only had to balance the spiritual energy so that all of the spirits could share universally among themselves because they weren't physically attached.


He could make some of these spirits more positive by making some of them more negative which kept the universal balance.  The more positive ones would be able to be more receptive to soul energy.  This way spirit energy could be  released when the physical body died, no longer being held to it and transferred back to a new life form being born.  It had to stay attached with the other energies because of its connection and to maintain the balance.  These spirits could communicate with each other through the spirit energy which was even helpful in keeping the wonder necessity going.


He finally was able to create this very special child on one of His planets He called, "Earth". He had to work very quickly, though, because keeping the universe in balance disturbed this planet occasionally and the disruption would destroy many.  He had to make these children develop as quickly as they could before this happened so all would not be lost.  In order to do that, He had to make them aware of what was going on.  This was done by giving them something to relate to.  For they wouldn't know what hot was if they didn't know about cold, or what was right if they didn't know about wrong.


All of this was creating lots of good positive energies and lots of negative energies.  What guided His children most in the positive direction was His gift of a conscience that He put into the spirit making them suffer if they were negative.  They became very aware of the difference naming the negative, "Evil", and the positive, "Good".  They called the Creator by many names such as, "God, Holy Spirit, Great Spirit", and the negative, "Satan, the Devil".  The very negative ones even worshipped the negative spirit but that had to be.  Some of the children became so negative they even believed that “Satan" was the Creator.  The positive knew just the opposite and that is the only place the truth can be because truth is purely positive.


The Great Spirit had to leave messages for the children to help them in their progress as needed.  But these messages had to be given in a way they could understand at their particular point of progress.  That would even help the rest as they developed.  He left these messages in many forms.  Some were great puzzles to solve that created wonder along with the ability to solve them at the right time.  He even sent a message through one of His children filled with the maximum amount of soul energy he could hold.  He made the children very positive by talking to them and doing things that seemed

impossible.  They called this man, "Jesus", and they knew he was God's son.


The children recorded His words and added them to their book of truth.  They had to record things to help them remember for their memory wasn't perfect and as time passed they needed to be reminded.  This enabled His children to maintain their positiveness and teach others of the truth.  He sent many messages to some who recorded them for all to be able to receive.  Those receiving these messages were able to remember and understand them.  This helped His children to reach positive conclusions.  This was the best way for them to receive a message of major importance in the fastest way possible.  In an extreme emergency situation this message could be received loud and clear and be easy to understand.  This would enable His children to react quickly in a positive direction.


He had to choose these children very carefully evolving them in exactly the right way to make this most effective.  This was very important when the time would come for the positive children to be gathered.  He didn't like to see His children suffer and they were hurting each other with the negativity.  Some were just not aware.  They were even hurting their planet and that was hurting them in return.  The children were causing all kinds of diseases they weren't even able to keep up with.  This chain reaction from the first existence of time would go on forever in everything that existed.


The Great Spirit was very happy being able to have His children with Him, in Heaven, and loved to watch them help their loved ones still on this planet called Earth.  Some of the children on Earth knew of these spirits and called them, "Guardian Angels". These guardian angels often met the children as they were being released from their paralyzed physical forms and helped them return if able.  Sometimes this was possible if the physical body was able to be revived.  Sometimes these children could remember seeing the purity of truth that they called a bright light.  Some would retain great joy from this and telling others gave many much hope.


This was perfect.  For everything was perfect because everything that existed was created by the only thing that was perfect.


This perfectly understandable story has a perfectly understandable message for a perfect reason, with a perfect ending.  For the ones who can say, "I am positive", will live perfectly, perfectly happy forever and ever.


The End.