Message #6


Dear Ones, Most Precious Children of Earth,


Again my heart is full of joy in knowing of your true selves and the wonders we are about to behold. We are truly blessed!  I come before you this time to again tell you of your special uniqueness in a very important area. I  do this by pointing out yet another special gift that God has given each and every one of us as part of our divine heritage. This gift is called intuition. It is our strongest link to our divinity. It is our own guidance system, our inner voice, the voice of our angelic selves and it speaks only truth. It speaks to our inner ears with either words of reassurance or words of warning.  It awakens our inner eyes to see clearer. These may all be observed as our third voice, our third ear, and our third eye. As one voice says one thing and the other voice says something else, the third voice will speak the truth of the matter. As one ear hears one thing and one ear hears another, the third ear hears the truth. This allows the third eye to see through deception. If you feel something is wrong in your heart, consider it to be. Your alarm system just warned you. If someone or something tells you to do something that sets off these alarms, pay attention. Trust in your higher self for it is a part of God. Have confidence in this magnificent gift and it will guide you safely and surely through the valleys and the shadows for it is the light.  There is no darkness that this light cannot penetrate and it is forever with you.  It is most important for you to know of this truth as it is your best defense against the negative forces that are very active at this time. There are many great attempts being made with tremendous effort to win the final battles between good and evil. All the entities both good and bad are hard at work.  Great deceptions are being made manifest to lure you away from the light. At the same time the angels of light are hard at work to keep this from happening.   As God's love tries to bring families closer together, the opposing forces are trying to do just the opposite. This brings great pain and sorrow to all. Be Aware and let it be known that God would not ask this of you. Pain and sorrow is the opposite of God's desire and the opposite of life's meaning. Which direction we take is our choice. It is our freedom to choose, freedom is natural and natural freedom is our heritage. Natural freedom is within the area of my service to you. This must and will be restored upon Earth to all people and all things. For this is essential in creating Heaven on Earth. And this shall be for we, Dear Ones, will make it so. God's word has been given, God's plan has been manifest. All God's angels are within Earth's realm, our tools are in hand. Time has been granted and we have but to choose. For we have this freedom. If you choose to regain your natural freedom to enjoy your divine heritage, now is your chance, your last chance for a very long time. You only need to realize that with freedom comes responsibility. If you accept the responsibility properly, the freedom is yours. This Dear One is a lesson of our past. Have you learned this lesson? Do you recall the importance of responsibility being one of the lessons you have tried to teach your children? As the children of God we also need to finally realize this need. To be responsible by our own free will is our goal and will always be our choice. Indeed, what will we choose?


I, Dear Ones, have chosen to help fulfill this need in every way I possibly can.  I know I am responsible to God, to you, to Mother Earth, and all creation.  I accept responsibility for my own actions and inactions. I accept the results as being my own doing. I will not complain as I know of the rewards of the proper choice. No task is too great nor are the sacrifices. That which is given is given back ten-fold. The more love I give, the more love I am given. The more I do for you, the more you will do for me. The more I do for God, the more God will do for me. I cannot expect otherwise for God said so and so it should be.


And this I can see with all eyes.


" Dear One, What Do You See? "


The tasks and challenges ahead of us are great to say the least. However, they are not too great. Battles are yet to be fought but they will be won. I eagerly look forward to the tasks and gladly accept the challenges as I know of the rewards. They are countless. I have no fear for I know God is with me. I know all I need to accomplish my heart's desire will be given. I know what's in my heart. All I have ever needed has always been given. I had but to see. If I do not fail you, I will not fail. If I do God's will, God's will should be done. Always and in ALL ways remember, " GOD'S WILL SHALL BE DONE ".


Also remember Dear One that it is God's will that there be Heaven on Earth and for us to enjoy and live within it in peace and harmony. And it will be done. It will be created. We are the physical beings who must create this physical Heaven. Those who participate in its creation will enjoy its splendors and happiness will abound. With these things in mind I will continue to come to you daily with food for thought to enlighten you and guide you as I am guided by our true Father in Heaven. Thus far I have attempted to raise within you a new sense of hope, a new feeling of confidence, a greater awareness of how loved and special you are to God. I hope in my heart that I have done this. I will continue to give you these strengths as you visit this place every day. I have many things to share with you as we continue our lives together. So please continue visiting me for I have

only just begun. AND I AM HERE FOR YOU.




The Messenger