Message #22


Dear Ones,


I feel the magic of your love this day and sense the wonder in your hearts as we continue our journey with Sara. Let us behold.


As Sara counted from three to one, she felt the presence of the guardian angel of love with her as she became very light feeling like she was suddenly floating weightlessly through the air but not feeling any wind. She wanted to see what was going on around her so she opened her eyes. To her shocking surprise when she opened her eyes she couldn't see anything at all. It was totally black everywhere.


" Where are we? ", she asked.


" We are at the beginning. ", said Janis.


" We must begin where all must begin and make our way up to heaven as you will see. Remember Sara in the beginning there was nothing as you can see. There really needs to be things for life to be. You will see Heaven at the other end of our journey and you will see what lies in between. "


" Ok ", Sara said, " I know I can trust you because you are my guardian angel of love so can we get going now? I really don't like just being here in the darkness. "


" Great ", Janis said, " Hold onto my hand and off we will go. "

Amazingly she could feel Janis's hand holding hers as she suddenly saw something appear in the distance. It was bright and getting closer.


" What is it that has appeared before us? " Sara asked.


And Janis said, " You will see. " and began holding her hand very tightly. As the object began approaching Sara was shocked to see before her a flaming monster of some sort, some kind of black demon with red flames shooting out of its body. Sara became very frightened and held onto Janis's hand very tightly. The ugly demon was coming straight at Sara and she didn't know what to do as it was all happening so fast.


Sara held the loving hand that was still comforting her in this moment of fright and closed her eyes tightly. Sara could feel the demon swiftly pass right through her with a swish and popped like a bubble behind her. When she heard the pop she knew the demon was gone and with a sigh of relief opened her eyes.


This time there were two more demons coming at her with different colored flames shooting out of them. She quickly closed her eyes again and let them pass through and pop behind her.


" It's ok now, Sara ", Janis said, " You can open your eyes now, they're all gone. And if you wouldn't mind you can ease up on the hand now, too. "


Janis giggled playfully and said, " See, you were in good hands and had nothing to worry about as love is with you. The demons that were here are gone now because they were only the demons of fear and our love wouldn't allow them to harm you. You had to first face them and let them pass on. They needed to pass through and take your fear with them. Silly girl, can't you see that you can't visit Heaven if you have fear still inside you. And besides you have no need to be frightened on our journey for there is nothing to fear. You will, however, need some understanding of this end of the journey to better understand what you find at the other end. I might warn you that what you see as we begin may be very discomforting but you will understand what you see as being necessary. Things will definitely get better as we continue on. Remember sweet Sara, I'm with you. "


"Ok, Sara said, but I really would like to see you and get out of this darkness. "


" Yea, me too ", said Janis and began pulling Sara's hand.


" WWWEEEEEEEE!!!!!! " Janis exclaimed as she took off swiftly towards a glowing in the distance.


" Look, " Sara said as they neared the light, " It's the cloud tunnel you were making earlier. "


" Yea, " said Janis. " Isn't it great? I've always wanted to take someone through it and I love you so much for making it possible, finally. "


Hand in hand Sara and her guardian angel drifted gently into the tunnel of soft clouds. Sara noticed that the tunnel was really long as it ascended upwards and began with a grayish color and became much lighter up ahead. She couldn't see the end of it as it made a turn far up ahead. She could see that there was lots of doors on each side of the tunnel that had no handles on them. They were just there nestled in the walls of the cloud tunnel. Above some of the doors she could see some kind of writing. Some of the writing looked somewhat familiar like roman numerals and some like heiroglyphics of different kinds.


Sara said, " What are these doors? "


Janis replied, " Some of them are for others from different worlds as you can see by the writings over them. Some of them are from your past which is why they seem somewhat familiar to you. They are closed to us at this time because they have no importance in this journey of our now moment. The necessary doors for this journey will be open as we continue. We can come back at another time and see which ones might be open at that time. "


" Oh, good, " Sara said, " that could be fun! "


And she looked over to see her friend Janis and suddenly realized that Janis was now a bright blue star. She then noticed that she too was a bright blue star.


" Wow, " she said gleefully, " this is really neat! But why are we blue stars? "


"Dear one, " Janis said, " what would you rather be at this wonderful moment while on your way through the sky to visit Heaven? "


" Oh, " Sara said, " I see. How fitting to be a little twinkling star in the heavens. But why blue? "


" Well dear Sara, it just happened to be the color representing purity as an individual. Haven't you noticed that the statues of the Virgin Mary represent her in a blue robe? How about the lovely Mother earth being a blue planet? The beautiful blue skies and the blue of the ocean. How about the blueness you saw in my eyes? As a note I might mention also that blue is the color of those in the 8th dimension which we happen to be in at this moment. "


" Wow, " Sara blurted happily, " That really makes sense. Glad I asked. "


" Come on, Sara, " Janis said, " Let's go see what doors we find open, Ok? "


" Yea, " Sara yelled loudly, " I can't wait to see! "


And off they went up the cloud tunnel, laughing and dancing like little children skipping along a magical path in an enchanted forest, so full of wonder and excitement at what may lie ahead.


As they ventured forward Sara heard a strange sound in the distance. It became noticeably louder as they went on. It was a sort of a rushing sound like a big wind. As they got closer to the sound she began to feel a wind rushing past her like it was pulling her in the direction it was going.


" What's going on, Janis? ", Sara asked as she became concerned.


" Not to worry, dear one, just let it carry us to where we need to go."


" Ok. ", Sara said, and SWISH, they were off like feathers in a summer breeze. Up ahead they saw a door open on the left. The wind they were drifting in was being caused by the opening in the doorway. It was like a big vacuum and it pulled Sara and Janis through the opening.


" Oh No! " Sara gasped as they shot through the doorway, " This can't be right! " she shrieked as she saw what was inside. Never before had Sara seen such a terrible place. What she saw before her was so terrible that she couldn't even speak. It was terrifying yet she wasn't afraid. Her heart ached at the scene before her but she knew there  must be a reason for seeing it. She held Janis's hand tightly as she observed what must truly be the worst vision of Hell she could ever imagine. be continued tomorrow.


Well Dear Ones, what have you found to ponder within this episode?

I give you my love and leave you now with your thoughts.


The Messenger Sinion 216