Message #19


Dear ones Most Gracious and Deserving,


I give you my love this day and approach a most delicate issue that seems to be in our midst. It is an issue that has manifested much chaos in our world and in our hearts at this time. For we do not understand enough about it. What I am referring to is homosexuality. I offer the following words to help usher in greater understanding on both sides of the issue.


First of all it should be noted that everyone on Earth at this time has been here before. Many have been here many times as a specific gender and many have been both. When arriving on Earth this time they have brought with them a  connection in their subconscious to the influence of their most recent past life or the ones of most significance. They are attracted to the area of most familiarity. If they are used to being a certain gender they are most likely to be attracted to the opposite regardless of what gender they happen to be at this time. This is the area of their comfort.


This is also a sign of the new era we are now in. We are instinctively more connected to our past, a true sign of our elevation. We are more connected to our past and our future as the veil has been lifted. We also no longer have the need for animal instincts to ensure our continuance. Lusting after the opposite sex is not necessary any longer. We have evolved to a point where lust will be replaced by a greater expression of intimate love. Believe it or not there will be a balance in our future. Instead of being heterosexual or homosexual the more balanced state of being will prevail. As we become balanced in our energies we will see each other as equally beautiful.


For unconditional love is pure love, true love and sees no gender. The open showing of affection to each other regardless of gender will be commonplace and received without judgement. Jealousies will no longer exist. Relationships will be more concentrated and intimate in nature. A much greater realm of family closeness will derive out of this new balance and immediate families will consist of more than blood relations.


For now all who are looking across the scale at the other side in judgement need to realize that both are simply out of balance for the moment. If all look at the picture with a desire for greater understanding and acceptance on an equal basis then all will be able to see the balanced blending in the future of humanity. May we be genderless in our love of each other.