Message #14


Dear Ones Most Beloved and Deserving,


I have the honor of bringing to you this day a list of very precise and exacting messages from Spirit. They were given to me Christmas 1994. I was given the messages to pass on to the children of Earth in as many ways as possible so all would know of them. They were to be given exactly as worded and in precisely the order I received them. I have been given much insight as to their meanings, however, I am not to elaborate on them at this time. I am to simply pass them on for each of you to perceive in your own way. Perhaps you will detect the messages as being in part a set of guidelines as I myself have. In the four years that  have passed since I was given the messages I have seen many areas where they apply. I have also detected multiple meanings within them in addition to many meanings for them to be given. There is also special meaning to there being thirty of them in the group.


I look forward to discussing these messages with you in the future. I eagerly anticipate furthering my understandings per your response to them as our journey continues. Until then I again and in all-ways give you my love and with love I present you the thirty messages from Spirit given Christmas 1994.


1. Know the adjustments to your physical realm will be conducted in direct proportion and manner in conjunction with your response to what you have received.


2. Realize that I am the Spirit that dwells within you and will forever exist.


3. Know that your existence in physical form is to experience and evolve to a level of understanding and ability to continue your destiny of existing pleasurably through infinity.


4. There will be a given a period of three months to plan and three years to prepare for a period of three years commencing upon the completion of this book.


5. Reveal both the knowing and the known of all information received from the children of more advanced species.


6. Know that what has happened to the Earth planet many times in the past will happen again and prepare.


7. Consider what happened to the planet called, " Jupiter ", to be a warning.


8. Consider what is known in the universe but not seen, as a threat.


9. Contain elements of negativity in areas marked for purification.


10. Only consider what you do, not what you have done, and beware for you are now responsible for your actions.


11. False prophets shall be recognized by their prophecies being in contradiction with the majority of the true prophets.


12. Listen closely to the hearts of the very young as they are the most positive.


13. Remember and obey the ten commandments of the old Testament as they have, are, and will be forever My will.


14. Create a Bible of the Equinox by compiling what you have received from the true prophets of this era.


15. Know that I Am all that I have created making you as I and conduct yourself in this manner.


16. Realize that your personal enemy is doubt.


17. Realize that your personal ally is truth.


18. Make no changes in this book as it is exactly as intended.


19. Create nothing that cannot be used in its entirety in a positive manner putting reuse ahead of recycling.   


20.  The exact time of the birth of Jesus Christ was 4:30pm April 23, in the year known as 04 B.C.


21. The year following the correct year 2000 A.D. shall be known as the year, 01 A.E., the first year after the Equinox.


22. Honor the true Father and true Mother by considering her life blood to be your true essence of wine and behold its sacredness.


23. Your true mother has fed all her children abundantly. If all is shared equally no child will be hungry and obesity will vanish. Take what is given and be content as this is all you need.


24. The true Messiah dwells within your heart. Take notice and listen.


25. Form one government and a constitution of the unity by a majority vote of the leaders of all nations, each leader being chosen by all the children.


26. Unite the armies of all nations and use their abilities in preparation for the forthcoming.


27. Build adequate sanctuaries in areas of positivity as indicated by the I Am America map, previously given.


28. Dwell in communities in an extended family manner creating space for all.


29. Make known the existence and the intended use of the supercomputer known as the beast and use its abilities in an obvious manner.


30. Make notification of these writings to all by a single voice in an address to the union.


The Messenger