Message #11


Dear Ones,  Most Beautiful and Precious,


I give you my love and feel your smiles glowing. Thank you so much! I approach you gently this day with a great love and true desire for you to accept what I reveal to you this day with peace in your heart. It is not intended to bring discomfort. It should be perceived as a good thing not only in its meaning but in the fact that you are made aware.


I am referring to the arrival of Wormwood as mentioned in the Book of Revelations. It is scheduled to arrive on the last day of the sixth month of this year. There are verifications of this being so for those who doubt. I, myself, have verifications for you and am as sure as two and two equal four. I will give these to you during my visit with you in person. For now, fear not Dear Ones for as I said, " It is a good thing as I will explain. "


One of the many  reasons I am here at this time is to gather children of the collective crisis. The key to this meaning lies in the term, " Collective Crisis ". It has been demonstrated many times how we children of Earth when given a chance respond to the aid of others in times of great disasters. This natural calling of our compassion tends to override tasks and thoughts of lesser concern. Suddenly, something becomes much more important. If it were extreme enough it could even stop wars. The disputes and fighting would seem petty if survival suddenly took priority. Another very important aspect of this occurrence is seen in the attention it will bring to what is going on in relation to the end times. God is calling out to the children of Earth through many people in many ways. But how much attention has been gained?


Sure, Dear Ones, we are listening, but what of the majority? The warnings have been given and have stood for thousands of years. Now we pour our hearts into echoing the words to seemingly slight avail. To the ones who cling to their disbeliefs and stand fast with their minds closed perhaps God slamming a mighty gavel upon the waters might get their attention. Maybe then they will take notice and look at what is being shouted to them. Consider also the mighty wave caused by God's gavel. Have you noticed how the shores of the continents have drawn the majority of negative elements to them? Do you sense that God had and has a plan?


If all the people on Earth were told of this forthcoming and the evidences were presented clearly and loudly, do you suppose all would take heed or would the negative ones scoff and remain in harms way? Obviously, there would indeed be non-believers. Consider this however for the ones who decided to sell their endangered real estate and relocate to a safer place. Would there not need to be buyers? Yes, dear ones, as the life blood of our earth mother washes over them and their riches they will realize their mistake. But notification must be made and the choice be left unto all to make.


Again I say to you clearly, fear not for this is a good thing and God has even more reasons for it to be so.





The Messenger